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Use Jaaxy Keyword Tool for Affiliate Marketing Success

Jaaxy is the best keyword research tool for affiliate marketers looking to boost their organic traffic and commissions. Fully integrated into Wealthy Affiliate’s platform, Jaaxy makes niche and keyword research easy. In this guide, learn how to use Jaaxy for affiliate niche success.

Finding profitable, low-competition keywords is one of the most important skills for any affiliate marketer. With the right keywords, you can rank at the top of Google and drive targeted organic traffic to your affiliate offers. However, finding these hidden gems takes tools and research. That’s where Jaaxy comes in.

What is a Jaaxy?

Jaaxy is a potent keyword research tool created by the founders of Wealthy Affiliate. It’s fully integrated into the Wealthy Affiliate platform, making robust keyword research easy for beginners.

With Jaaxy, you can:

  • Search for any keyword or phrase and see search volume data
  • Find long-tail keyword variations
  • Filter keywords by difficulty, search volume, and more
  • See competitor sites ranking for keywords
  • Get keyword ideas from Google Suggest and other sources
  • Save unlimited keyword lists

Unlike other paid tools, Jaaxy helps you find hidden gems – profitable keywords with low competition. It’s the perfect keyword research tool for affiliate marketers on a budget.

Why Use Jaaxy for Affiliate Marketing?

Here are four key reasons Jaaxy is the best keyword research tool for affiliate marketers:

1. Fully Integrated into Wealthy Affiliate

Even if you don’t have a paid Jaaxy membership, you can access Jaaxy Lite for free within your Wealthy Affiliate member account. This gives you 35 keyword results per search along with key metrics like search volume and difficulty score.

As a premium member, you get full access to Jaaxy without any search limits. Everything is seamlessly integrated into the Wealthy Affiliate platform, making research easy.

2. Finds Profitable Long-Tail Keywords

Jaaxy excels at uncovering long-tail keywords with high buyer intent but low competition. These keywords are perfect for ranking affiliate sites fast.

For example, a search for “affiliate marketing training” returns high-competition suggestions like “affiliate marketing for beginners”.

But Jaaxy also surfaces hidden gems like “free affiliate marketing video training” which could be much easier to rank for as a beginner.

3. Powerful Filtering for Affiliate Sites

The filtering capabilities make it easy to sort through keywords specifically for your affiliate niche.

You can filter keywords by:

  • Minimum/maximum monthly searches
  • Keyword difficulty
  • Number of words
  • If it’s an affiliate program name
  • And more

This helps you quickly find profitable, low-hanging fruit keywords that match your affiliate offers.

4. Unlimited Saved Keyword Lists

Unlike other paid tools with search limits, Jaaxy lets you save as many keyword lists as you want.

You can create specific lists for different affiliate programs, categories, locations, and more. With unlimited lists, you’ll never lose or have to re-research keywords.

How to Use Jaaxy for Affiliate Keyword Research

Now let’s go through a step-by-step process for leveraging Jaaxy to find profitable affiliate keywords:

Step 1: Brainstorm Generic Seed Keywords

First, brainstorm a list of 4-5 generic “seed” keywords related to your niche. These will be used to find more specific, long-tail versions.

For example, if you want to promote affiliate offers related to hiking gear, start with seeds like:

  • hiking
  • hiking gear
  • camping gear

Step 2: Use Keyword Filters

Next, run your seed keywords through Jaaxy and apply filters to see more niche variations.

Try setting filters like:

  • Keyword difficulty: 0-40
  • Minimum searches: 500
  • Max words: 4
  • Must contain “affiliate program name” if applicable

Review the filtered results for potential winners. Look for phrases with higher search volume but low competition.

Step 3: Mine Keyword Suggestions

Jaaxy pulls keyword suggestions from Google, YouTube, Amazon, and more. Look through these for even more specific phrases to target.

Sort the suggestions by search volume and difficulty score. Look for hidden gems getting searches but not ranking well yet in Google.

Step 4: Organize into Lists

As you find keywords, save them into organized lists by category or affiliate program. For example, “Hiking Backpacks”, “REI Affiliate Keywords”, etc.

Organized lists make it easier to track keywords and turn them into content later.

Step 5: Compare Metrics Year-Over-Year

One of Jaaxy’s most powerful features is comparing keyword metrics year-over-year. Look for keywords increasing in searches and declining in difficulty.

These growing, less-competitive keywords are prime targets to build content around. Focus on them early before others take the spots.

Sign Up for Wealthy Affiliate’s Free Starter Membership

You can experience Jaaxy for yourself simply by signing up for Wealthy Affiliate’s free Starter membership.

You get access to Jaaxy Lite along with 10 free website hosting, step-by-step affiliate marketing training, and more.

Learn more about Wealthy Affiliate’s free Starter membership here.

Even if you don’t upgrade to the Premium membership, Jaaxy Lite still provides tremendous value for early keyword research.

Is Jaaxy Worth It for Affiliate Marketing?

In short – yes.

For serious affiliate marketers, Jaaxy is one of the best investments you can make. The ability to thoroughly research profitable keywords and niche opportunities from within Wealthy Affiliate is invaluable.

Don’t waste time and money guessing at what keywords to target. And don’t get stuck using limited free tools.

Experience the power of Jaaxy yourself as an Wealthy Affiliate member. Let it guide your affiliate site-building and take the guesswork out of keyword research.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need Jaaxy Pro for affiliate marketing?

The free Jaaxy Lite version gives you plenty of keyword research capabilities as an affiliate. But upgrading to Jaaxy Pro gives you unlimited searches, metrics, and saved keyword lists – all extremely useful.

Is Jaaxy better than SEMrush or Ahrefs?

For affiliate keyword research specifically, Jaaxy beats both SEMrush and Ahrefs. The long-tail keyword and niche discovery is far better optimized for affiliate marketing versus general SEO.

Can Jaaxy find buyer keywords?

Yes, one of Jaaxy’s best features is finding buyer keywords – search phrases with commercial intent. This is perfect for getting your affiliate content in front of ready-to-buy users.

Does Jaaxy integrate with WordPress?

Jaaxy doesn’t currently integrate directly with WordPress. However, as a Wealthy Affiliate member all your keyword lists are easily accessible when creating content in WordPress.

Can I use Jaaxy without Wealthy Affiliate?

You can purchase a standalone Jaaxy membership to use it solo without Wealthy Affiliate. However, the integration provides much more value for affiliate marketers specifically.

Does Jaaxy have a free trial?

There is no free trial for the full Jaaxy Pro tool. However, you can access the free Jaaxy Lite version just by joining Wealthy Affiliate, even with their free Starter membership.

Wrap up

If you want to boost your organic traffic, and commissions, and succeed with affiliate marketing – Jaaxy is an essential tool. Take advantage of the seamless integration inside Wealthy Affiliate to find winning keywords other miss.

Experience the power of Jaaxy yourself with a free Wealthy Affiliate Starter account. Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions!


What is keyword research and why is it important for SEO?

Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing the terms that people enter into search engines. It is important for SEO because it helps you understand what keywords your target audience is using to find information or products related to your website. By optimizing your content and website for these relevant keywords, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

What is the WA keyword tool?

The WA keyword tool is a free tool provided by Wealthy Affiliate that helps you find the best keywords for your website. It provides data on keyword competition, monthly search volume, and other essential metrics to help you make informed decisions in your keyword research.

How can I use the WA keyword tool?

To use the WA keyword tool, enter a keyword or phrase related to your website or content into the tool, and it will generate a list of relevant keywords and important metrics. You can then analyze this data to find keywords with low competition and high search volume, which can help you improve your search engine rankings.

What are “page one keywords”?

“Page one keywords” refers to the keywords that have a high chance of ranking on the first page of search engine results. These are the keywords that are most likely to drive organic traffic to your website because they have high search volume and low competition.

How can I consistently find page-one keywords using the WA keyword tool?

To consistently find page one keywords using the WA keyword tool, you can focus on keywords with low competition and high search volume. Look for keywords with a low QSR (Quoted Search Results) value, which indicates less competition for that keyword. Additionally, consider long-tail keywords, which are more specific and typically have lower competition. By targeting these types of keywords, you can increase your chances of consistently finding page-one keywords for high rankings.

Is the WA keyword tool useful for affiliate marketing?

Yes, the WA keyword tool is handy for affiliate marketing. By finding keywords that are related to the products or services you are promoting, you can optimize your content and increase your chances of being found by potential customers. This can lead to higher conversion rates and, ultimately, more affiliate commissions.

Is the WA keyword tool integrated with Wealthy Affiliate?

Yes, the WA keyword tool is fully integrated into Wealthy Affiliate. This means that as a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you can access the platform’s keyword tool. This integration allows you to seamlessly conduct keyword research while working on your website or online business.

Can I use the WA keyword tool even if I don’t have a Wealthy Affiliate membership?